RM Analyzer Help

Plot command: PLASC

Using the command, the ASCII file can be opened. The values in the file are sorted in columns. These values can be plotted by command PLELEM/ASCFIL.

File Name of the ASCII file Pressing the arrow beside the file can be found by explorer.
Separator The columns in the file can be separated by different separators. Pressing the arrow beside the list of the possible separators will be opened.
Colmn.No. Number of the column, from which the values(characters) will be read. There is possible to input more (max 200) columns, which should be separated by comma.Target of such input should be presentation of MAX/MIN envelope for all predefined columns.Because of that the Value-Type in such case should be chosen MIN or MAX.
Value-Type There is possible to choose between number- and character type of the read values. Pressing the arrow beside the list of possible types will be shown.